Page animations and improvements

Released on 2/5/2024

We're thrilled to share some exciting new features that have been brewing behind the scenes. Our team has been hard at work, and we're eager to unveil the biggest highlight: Page Animations! Now, your digital signage content will come to life with smooth, engaging animations, making your messages and displays more dynamic and eye-catching than ever.

But that's not all – we've made numerous enhancements and fixes based on your valuable feedback. This update includes improved performance, streamlined content management, and several other tweaks to enhance your Lumicast experience.

Stay tuned as we continue to evolve and add more features to make Lumicast the go-to digital signage platform. We can't wait for you to try these new updates and see the difference they make in your content displays!


  • Add in-animations to items in pages to create even more interesting displays, Some apps have useful help articles now


  • Bulk download media items works better, LinkedIn app data issue resolved, Page editor usability improved,