Lumicast has a wide range of integrations that you can use to display content on your displays.
Algemeen Dagblad
Stay up to date with a specific topic from the AD
BBC News
Stay up to date with a specific topic from the BBC
Buienradar - Dutch/European weather
Get the current weather and rain radar for the Netherlands and Europe. Choose between a zoom map, a weather station with a 5-day forecast, or a rain radar with a 5-day forecast.
Building directory
This app allows you to create a directory of your buildings and their facilities. This makes it easier for your visitors to find their way around your buildings.
Show all of your planned events based on an external calendar.
Show a countdown to a specific date and time
This card shows the current month with today highlighted. Optionally, you can include week numbers.
Digital clock
Show the current time in days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Google Calendar
Google Calendar is a time-management and scheduling calendar service developed by Google. It became available in beta release April 13, 2006, and in general release in July 2009, on the web and as mobile apps for the Android and iOS platforms. Google Calendar allows users to create and edit events.
Google Trends
Google Trends is a website by Google that analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across various regions and languages. The website uses graphs to compare the search volume of different queries over time.
Show your company's latest LinkedIn posts on your screen. Keep your audience up to date with your latest news and updates.
Meetingroom Availability
Show whether a meeting room is available or not.
News ticker
Create a ticker line news feed with your own news managed in Lumicast
Display current news from the NOS from a category of your choice
NS (Dutch railway) train schedule
Get the live train schedule of your desired train station
Display current news from from a category of your choice video
Een visuele weergave van het belangrijkste nieuws van de dag
QR Code
Easily create and show a QR code for a link or text
Display a random quote to your audience. Customize the look and feel to match your brand.
RSS feed
Display an RSS feed of your choice
Sharepoint Birthdays
This app shows upcoming birthdays from a Sharepoint list. It can be used to show upcoming birthdays of your colleagues or students on a screen in your office/school.
Sharepoint News
Show Sharepoint news items
Social media showcase
Showcase all the social platforms your company is on
Traffic information
View live traffic information
With the Vimeo app you can stream videos from Vimeo. Enter the URL of the video and enjoy your favorite videos.
Local weather forecasts on your displays
Embed a webpage on your screen
Embed YouTube videos in your workspace. Simply paste the URL of the video you want to show and you're good to go.
Zermelo Schedule
Show all schedule information at your school